AAHS63 Steering Committee

April 15, 2011


Attendees:  S. Bidlack, B. Bond, ML Covert, P. Dodge, C. Larkins, L. Salamin, B. Weid, R. Weid, C. Wilkins




Action planned


Reviewed.  Corrections needed

Post cards will be sent to those living in Michigan and no known email address

Revision to minutes 

Treasurer’s Report

Current budget is slightly less than $300.  Weber’s is owed $300 to save block of 20 rooms for $99/night- this deposit locks in the current rate.

The idea of having a brunch for those staying at Weber’s was felt to be a viable option.

B.Bonds, C. Larkins, and C. Wilkins met with B. Munson and J. Jahnke to discuss the potential for scholarships which could fund reunion admission for those unable to afford the cost.  Other ways of building funds for this purpose was discussed.

The website will have a “button” for donations which will be connected and managed through PayPal.

Fund raising to gather dollars which will help get the reunion organized was discussed in length.  The discussion included on the possibility of excess money being collected and  be managed.

We have 360 email addresses, 207 regular mail, and 97 missing addresses.

The fee will be low (approximately $8/person) and should be arranged.

It was decided that scholarship funding does not need to be determined at this point in time.  The committee can revisit as the date of the reunion becomes closer.

The PayPal will be arranged in the future but for now, checks mailed to the post office box will be accepted and appreciated.

I f the committee should collect more money than needed for this reunion, the following are options that are being considered”

  • AA Pioneer Education Fund;
  • Funding for startup needs for future reunions; and
  • Scholarships

Await document.

The committee will plan on having a brunch which will be light and paid for by the classmates staying over and wishing to have brunch with others.

A PayPal account will be set up in the future.

Annual Event

Zingerman’s will again be the meeting place for the annual event.

503b corporation

The tax exempt cooperation should be registered with Michigan Department of Treasury so we don’t pay taxes.

P.Dodge will investigate


S. Bidlack is working on the email.  L. Salamin has a gotten commitment from a contact to do graphics for the post card.

Graphics to be reviewed prior to the flyer and/or postcard being sent/used 

2013 Reunion

WCC caterers, Fabulous Foods, provided sample menus.

Committee members met with Cindy Helber to discuss other classes’ reunions. 

 C. Wilkins developed a first draft of the budget.

Questions were raised about the risks of having alcohol at this event.  There were questions as to the need for insurance.

A subcommittee of this group will meet to discuss the food for the reunion.

Currently, there is a $1000 bond to cover for the  1-day license for the beer at the event.

Next meeting


June 17th  5:15pm Grotto